Monday, March 14, 2005

Terrorist Website Drops Dirty Bomb

JEDDAH (Arab News) -- A terrorist group has published a do-it-yourself plan to make a dirty bomb on its Internet site. Named Alma'sadah Al-Jihadiah, the site is run by a group whose aim is to promote and propagate terror activities in the region. A member of the group, calling himself Abu Al-Harith Al-Sawahiri the Mujahid Sheikh, provides a step-by-step instruction of making a dirty bomb, starting from tear gas canisters to higher-grade bombs, including those using uranium, on the site.

Remember now! Jihad is a spiritual struggle. Jihad is a spiritual struggle. Jihad is a spiritual struggle. Apparently American Muslim advocacy groups believe that if they repeat that long enough and loudly enough, they will compel Americans to believe it. But still, I wonder: how many Buddhist sites have instructions for building dirty bombs?

Read it all.


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