Thursday, June 16, 2005

Calif. man, son indicted in Pakistani terror case

Just more profiling of "peaceful" Muslims.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -- A federal grand jury has indicted a father and son in California on charges of lying during a government probe into their suspected ties to al Qaeda training camps in Pakistan, the U.S. Attorney's office said on Thursday.

The grand jury returned a three-count indictment charging Pakistan-born Umer Hayat and his son Hamid Hayat, both of Lodi, California, with lying to the
FBI, the Sacramento office of the U.S. Attorney said in a statement.

The indictment charged Hamid Hayat with one count of falsely stating he was not involved with a terrorist organization and another count of lying about attending terrorist or jihadist training camps.

"In truth, as the indictment charges, the defendant had attended one or more jihadist terrorist training camps in Pakistan," according to the statement.

The indictment charged that the elder Hayat falsely stated his son did not attend terrorist or jihadist training camps.

According to an FBI affidavit, the younger Hayat told agents he attended an al Qaeda training camp in Pakistan for about six months in 2003 and 2004.

If convicted, they face a maximum of eight years in prison on each charge.

The elder and younger Hayat were previously charged by complaint on June 7. They pleaded not guilty and are being held without bail. They will next appear in court on June 21.

Their lawyers could not immediately be reached for comment.


Blogger josh williams said...


Independence .... is loyalty to one's best self and principles, and this is often disloyalty to the general idols and fetishes.
- Notebook, 1888

The quality of independence was almost wholly left out of the human race. The scattering exceptions to the rule only emphasize it, light it up, make it glare.
- Mark Twain's Autobiography

There are certain sweet-smelling sugar-coated lies current in the world which all politic men have apparently tacitly conspired together to support and perpetuate. One of these is, that there is such a thing in the world as independence: independence of thought, independence of opinion, independence of action. Another is that the world loves to see independence--admires it, applauds it.
- Mark Twain's Autobiography

...all men--kings & serfs alike--are slaves to other men & to circumstance--save alone, the pilot--who comes at no man's back and call, obeys no man's orders & scorns all men's suggestions. The king would do this thing, & would do that: but a cramped treasury overmasters him in the one case & a seditious people in the other. The Senator must hob-nob with canaille whom he despises, & banker, priest & statesman trim their actions by the breeze of the world's will & the world's opinion. It is a strange study,--a singular phenomenon, if you please, that the only real, independent & genuine gentlemen in the world go quietly up and down the Mississippi river, asking no homage of any one, seeking no popularity, no notoriety, & not caring a damn whether school keeps or not.
- Letter to Will Bowen, 8/25/1866

9:15 PM  

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