It's Muslim Mayhem Month!
In Memory of the lives of 15 Makkah Schoolgirls, lost when their school burnt down on Monday, 11th March, 2002. The Religious Police would not allow them to leave the building, nor allow the Firemen to enter.
(The Religious Policeman.) -- Yes, folks, it's Muslim Mayhem Month again, the time of year when our brothers all around the world compete to see who can win the "Ummah Cup" by inflicting the most destruction and misery, and proving that ours is indeed the Religion of Trouble!Read it all.
Let me remind you of the rules once again. All types of violence and nastiness by Muslims are elegible, the more ingenious the better, and while it helps if it is done in the name of Islam (for example, shouting "Allah Akhbar" at the same time as burning someone), that isn't necessary, just so long as it's done by a recognisably Muslim group, and so brings publicity and credit to Muslims the world over.
As you may guess, for the third year running, our brothers in Iraq have been leading the field in sheer numbers; they scored 6 dead policemen and 12 injured civilians on Friday alone. However, as you know, they are subject to a referee's enquiry for having excessive foreign players in the squad. It is alleged that they have been bringing in too many players from Saudi Arabia, above the quota, but the investigation is taking a long time because, apart from Ahmad here, the evidence is just scattered far and wide.
But it's the previous outsiders of the competition who are getting all the attention! Yes, our brothers in France have been at it for 10 straight nights on the run! They've been putting in a lot of effort in training camp, and they are now showing their stamina! It's not just our brothers in Paris, either. The action is spreading to other cities like Toulouse and Nantes, more than 900 cars have been torched, so they're not far off that magic 1000! Way to go, guys! I particularly enjoyed this:
A recycling facility was attacked, with 800 sq m of paper going up in flames.
That'll show the Kuffar what we think of their so-called "environmentalism"! That'll probably upset them more than burning all those cars and the woman in the wheelchair!
However, has anyone spotted a new "dark horse" in the competition? Remember the Somali team, lead by General Mohammed Farah Aidid? The guys in the film "Black Hawk Down"? Well, sadly, the general is dead, but his inspiration lives on. These guys are now into piracy. Piracy used to be an unbeliever thing, in the days of Protestant England and Catholic Spain. But now, off the north east coast of Africa, and in the seas between Malaysia and Indonesia, piracy has definitely become a Muslim Thing. And these guys are moving up from boring old merchant ships and tankers. Now they are hitting Cruise Liners.
Piracy has always been a muslim thing. Thomas Jefferson was the first US President to fight against islamic terrorism. The Barbary Pirates were muslims who took 100 Americans as slaves.
How different is a site like this, to the thousands of other pro terrorist sites that crop up?
No different really.
'Muslim Mayhem Month?'
Religous zealotry is the same all over, regardless of it being Christian or Muslim.
Piracy has been a 'Muslim' thing, I suppose it's fine when Christian zealots shoot and kill doctors who perform terminations at clinics. How different is this? It's still terrorism.
As to the first comment about piracy and slavery, don't make me laugh!
Slavery in the South, hello?
And then we have Abu Ghraib prison, Lyndie England and her cohorts tormenting detainees, who aren't even prisoners of war (they're not soldiers, and there's no proof of some of the detainees being insurgents, and yet this is ingorend in 'Muslim Mayhem Month').
I don't think anyone is forcing anyone to return to the 7th Century, like the introductory paragraph explains, moreover it's a case of one wealthy nation exerting it's 'will' on others. If peope want to live in the 7th Century, then why should this bother the Bush administration? let them. Who cares?
But no, 'we have to come forth as being good Christians!'
and this the problem - the need to solve something, start a war in the guise of spreading Christendom.
Let people live the way they want to live, even if it is in the '7th' century, but if this occured in oil wealthy nations it would impinge on the United State's 'national interests' wouldn't it? So,easy solution is to use whatever means powerful to interfere.
Half the time I think terrorists use religion as an excuse, and it's a pathetic excuse. What is more close to home is 'anger', not religion.
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