Wednesday, April 13, 2005

How will you do it?

How will you do it?

It will take your help . For the most part politicians and media types are cowards who take the path of least resistance and are not interested in exposing that which interferes with their agenda. They are a slack jawed bunch of lazy glad handers who get by on as little information as possible and assume you know less than they.

We are going to have to do it one talking head at a time until they start speaking the truth about the threat. You will know the tide is turning when they start calling Islamic killers good Muslims and fundamental Muslims. You will know a huge step has been made when they report of Taqiyya and Dhimmitude.

You will know when Muslims start targeting those who speak out here in America to silence them as their sand castle falls apart. As it is exposed as a maniacal dream of a madman, a hate group, totalitarianism.

It is a worthwhile effort.

I hope you join us in the fight.



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