PODCAST: Islamphobia and Anti-Americanism Conference
(PODCAST) -- The term "Islamophobia" has no basis. Supposedly it refers to a "fear of Islam." Actually, it's a phony, made up word that conveys no factual truth. Islamists are asking what is the cause of "Islamophobia" in America? Their question will be answered the very second they catch their reflection in the mirror.
This podcast about is based on an article by D.C. Watson of The Counter Jihad Education Taskforce and Jihad Watch.
We end this podcast with Sheik Yer'mami's Shoe Bomber
http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/005900.php#comments http://www.religionnewsblog.com/11071
http://frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=17863 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/trail/inside/cron.html
The Council on American Islamic Relations uses the term often:
The United Nations has hosted a seminar on it. http://www.un.org/Pubs/chronicle/2004/issue4/0404p30.html
The Islamic Human Rights Commission has an Islamophobia Awards.
Even The Islam4Real blog, which you read, mentions it (see Feb. 13 post).
... and I don't recall ever making the claim that all Muslims run around ungroomed.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for visiting the blog and taking the time to listen to one of the podcasts.
First, let me say I do not fear Islam. Second, so far, all of the podcasts have been based on articles written by other people. This is done because I don't have the time to write such articles and there are better writers than myself who have allowed me to use their articles. However, I certainly wouldn't use an article if I did not agree with most of it.
I do not support the US actions in the Middle East, especially all the financial aid we give to Islamic countries. I see no reason why our country should be using it's troops and spending billions of dollars trying to bring democracy to the people of the Middle East. If they want democracy let them fight and pay for it themselves.
I don't care if Muslims want to pray to their moon god 5 times a day and have a pedophile prophet wanna-be as their role model. But they have no right to come to our country and force those beliefs and customs upon us.
Why should my business' processes have to adjust to the Muslim prayer schedule? Why should Muslim women be allowed to hide their identity when having their picture taken for a photo ID? Why should we have to wear gloves when holding the Qur'an? Why should we allow Muslims in court to swear to tell the truth with their hand on a Qur'an? This is why I say Muslims need to understand us, not the other way around.
You presuppose that my view of Islam is based on the actions of Muslims but you are wrong. My view of Islam is based on the tenets expressed in the Qur'an and Hadith and in the example set by Muhammad in the Sira.
I get called an islamopobe all the time by muslims outraged by me highlighting the crimes of their co-religionists. It's outrageous that the professional Jew-haters in CAIR have made the word a part of the modern lexicon.
Before 9/11 my knowledge and understanding of islam was sadly lacking - since then I have read the koran and many of the hadiths to find out what it was that drove the attackers.
Muslims, when they come to live in the west, need to better understand the nations and culture they are coming to. They need to adapt to us - not the reverse...
Re:They need to adapt to us - not the reverse...
You got that right Flanstein!
What does any of this have to do with mohammad having sex with a nine year old? Of course he was a paedophile - as any educated person would understand...
Hey, guys! What's up? First of all, I just wanna tell you that I'm an Israeli. Great job.
Say, you know that i-tunes is now subscribing people to these podcasts? Seriously, you gotta have this option in your blog.
Anyway, great great website. I'll make sure I'll come here often, if I have the time. And if you need any help from a bilangual Israeli neocon who posts in other websites, just tell me.
Keep up the good work, friends.
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