Saturday, November 26, 2005

U.S. soldiers face action over Afghan body burnings

God forbid we offend Muslim sensibilities.
(CNN) -- Two U.S. soldiers based in Afghanistan will face non-judicial disciplinary action in connection with the burning of the bodies of "two Islamic militants," according to a U.S. Central Command official.

Lt. Col. Laurent Fox said on Saturday that two other soldiers working in "psychological operations" will face similar punishment for making unauthorized broadcasts.

In the incident, which occurred last month, two soldiers burned the bodies and two soldiers broadcast a propaganda message taunting Taliban fighters.

A Saturday press conference in Afghanistan disclosed the military reaction to the incident.

The military says the soldiers burned the bodies for hygienic reasons and the broadcasting was unauthorized.

But the burnings are being regarded as a form of desecration because the Muslim faith forbids the burning of bodies. Afghanistan is a Muslim country.
Unless, of course, they are kafir bodies.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Rantings of a Muslim Troll

The following is taken from the comments from the Jihad of Umar blog. Umar Lee had posted his comments about the Muslim riots in France in a post titled European Civil War?. In the spirit of open discussion I asked some questions. The others who replied were civil, however, one person, who would only post as 'Anonymous', took offense to everything I had to say.

Quotes from other comments are in "quotes" and italic. In the interest of brevity, some posts have been shortened.

Anonymous said...
They need to start deporting jewish scum.

The Infidel Army said...
"Europe needs their Muslims and needs to respect them for who they are and respect Islam..."

If this is expected from Western Countries, shouldn't it also be expected that Islamic Countries respect non-Muslims and their religion?

Abu Sinan said...
There are no "Islamic countries" in the world today, only countries with Muslim majorities. Not one country in the world today is run in an Islamic manner, not even close.

I agree that rights should be afforded to all, whether it is in the Middle East or the West. Time for the West to put their money where their mouths are, let the immigrants and their families integrate. Most of these people were born and raised in France anyway, so when are we going to stop calling them immigrants? And time for the West, especially the USA, to stop support the dictators in the Middle East.

The Infidel Army said...
"Time for the West to put their money where their mouths are, let the immigrants and their families integrate."

Money for what? What responsibility does the West have that it should be spending money on the immigrants?

My grandparents immigrated to the US from Italy and had no problem integrating into American society.

I think it's time for the US to get entirely out of the Middle East.

Anonymous said...
Last time I checked Italians were white, and didnt have much of a real it didnt take long for them to "integrate." This was a 100 years ago, the world today is a much smaller place. If you europeans dont want to do your own work or have babies, you have only yourselves to blame not the immigrants you allowed in. On top of that if you mistreat people immigrant or otherwise, chances are they're going to start protesting. Enough excuses and racism already.

The Infidel Army said...
"Italians don't have much of a real culture."

Fuck you Anonymous. And I'm American not European.

"On top of that if you mistreat people immigrant or otherwise, chances are they're going to start protesting."

So then you would have no problem if French citizens rose up and fought back against the rioting Muslims?

"Enough excuses and racism already."

Oh and just what race are Muslims?

Anonymous said...

>>Fuck you Anonymous. And I'm American not European. <<

No, you're a European American of Italian background with no history or understanding of civil rights. So fuck you very much.

>>So then you would have no problem if French citizens rose up and fought back against the rioting Muslims?<<

French rising up to fight French? I realize that greasers arent the smartest people in the word, but thats a pretty dumb statement.

>>Oh and just what race are Muslims?<<

They're not european, thats their crime. If they aint white, they aint right.

The Infidel Army said...
Hi Abu Sinan,

Thanks for telling me why you don't think Iran and Saudi Arabia are Islamic countries. And you make a very good point about America being a nation built on immigration and thus it is easier for immigrants to integrate into American society.


No, you're a European American of Italian background with no history or understanding of civil rights. So fuck you very much.

Wow, you sure can tell a lot about someone from reading a couple of posts. Regardless of what you think, I consider myself an American and could care less what you think of me or who I am.

"French rising up to fight French? I realize that greasers arent the smartest people in the word, but thats a pretty dumb statement."

Since you didn't answer my question, I'll assume you didn't understand it so I will ask it in simpler terms: Do you have a problem with law-abiding citizens rising up to fight law-breaking citizens?

"If they aint white, they aint right."

Sounds like you're the one with the racist attitude.

Anonymous said...

>>Wow, you sure can tell a lot about someone from reading a couple of posts.<<

Agreed. I only needed one post from you to figure out that you're pretty full of shit. Treat others as you would want to be treated yourself.

>>Regardless of what you think, I consider myself an American and could care less what you think of me or who I am.<<

An ignorant white Italian American no doubt, one who doesnt know what he's talking about. One who doesnt know his own history, much less that of other nations.

>>Since you didn't answer my question, I'll assume you didn't understand it so I will ask it in simpler terms: Do you have a problem with law-abiding citizens rising up to fight law-breaking citizens?<<

I did answer your query birdbrain. So you're just going rephrase the question are you? Nothing wrong with "law-breaking," when the "law" causes to the deaths of 2 immigrants. If we followed such "laws" we would still have certain people using the backdoor or sitting at the back of the bus. I know you cant relate to that since you've never been treated like a second or third class citizen or been denied your rights. Hence your racist views on this, like you are irrelevent.

>>Sounds like you're the one with the racist attitude.<<

Look who's talking, Mr."I hate Islam and Muslims and make no secret of it on my blog, but they better not call me a bigot." Fuck off.

The Infidel Army said...


Call me a bigot all you want. As I said before, I don't care what you think of me or who I am.

The only "law" that was broken when the two teenagers died was the law of common sense that says don't hide in electrical sub-station.

Anonymous said...
>>Call me a bigot all you want. As I said before, I don't care what you think of me or who I am.<<

Feelings mutual, you're irrelevent, and thats that. Now go fetch me a pizza, vinny.

>>The only "law" that was broken when the two teenagers died was the law of common sense that says don't hide in electrical sub-station.<<

Here we go with the usual brand of bullshit minimalism and obfuscation, they were chased into power plant by the cops, idiot. This is rich, talk of "common sense" from an extremist asshole calling himself "infidel army." A wanker alone in his parents basement with an internet connection and gallon of KY jelly. What would a piece of shit like you know about civil rights?

The Infidel Army said...

It is obvious you are nothing more than a troll and will not waste anymore of my time on you.

Anonymous said...
>>It is obvious you are nothing more than a troll and will not waste anymore of my time on you.<<

This gets better with each post. Look who's talking. Run along infidel troll. Your petty racism will not be tolerated, now fuck off.
Read all the comments.

The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. said that conflicts are never resolved without trustful give and take on both sides.

I have had civil discussions with Muslims who were interested in trying to resolve our differences of opinion. Unfortunately, there are others, on both sides, who want nothing more than to argue and call names.

Christians under siege in Pakistan after riot

More from that religion of peace.
Sangla Hill, Pakistan (Telegraph News) -- The Christians of Sangla Hill in Pakistan were a community under siege last night after a Muslim mob rampaged through the town, burning churches and a Roman Catholic compound.

Father Samson Dilawar, parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church of Nazooli-i-Rooh, the Blessing of the Sacred Spirit, was still dressed in the cassock in which he fled when the mob knocked down the gate to the church compound on Saturday.

"I heard the mullahs had been telling people over loudspeakers, 'We are guardians of the Koran and it is our foremost duty to teach a lesson to those kafirs'," he said. "Then they came to my door."

Werner Scherhaufer, an Austrian on holiday in the Punjabi town with his Pakistani wife, said the crowd was "like a football match".

He saw several thousand people streaming towards the Christian quarter. "We locked ourselves in as we feared they were coming for us," he said.

They shouted insults at the Christians, calling them "kafirs" and "chucha", the abusive term for non-Muslims and untouchables, and "kuta", which means dogs.

Local police and the Christian community agreed on how the violence began: a Christian man had spent several days gambling with Muslim men and had won a small fortune.

Embittered, his opponents spread the rumour that he had set fire to the koran mahal, a box for preserving torn pages of the Koran. Soon the alleged deed was broadcast by mullahs from mosques.

Fr Dilawar fled to the nearby convent where he hid with a group of nuns. "Ours was the only door that they did not try," he said. "It was luck. That is how our lives were saved."

His residence was doused in chemicals and set alight, gutting the building and destroying century-old documents.

In the same compound, St Anthony's Primary School, which has 1,500 Muslim and Christian pupils, was ransacked and burnt.

The same treatment was meted out to the church, convent, boarding house and medical centre. The feet were snapped off statues of Jesus, metal crucifixes were buckled and nuns' habits torched.

"I will try to carry on as before," said Sister Anthony, the principal of the primary school. "But surely the government must help us."

Standing outside the smouldering shell of his Union Presbyterian church, the Rev Tajmal Pervez said: "Christians have been in the area for over a century. There has never been any problem."

The beams of his parsonage were open to daylight yesterday. "Religious fanatics have stirred this up," said Mr Pervez, who has been in the area for 15 years.

The rampage extended to three other churches on the outskirts of Sanga Hill. "We told the authorities that there was going to be trouble," said Mr Pervez. "So they sent four policemen who did nothing to stop the mayhem."

Yesterday a 1,000-strong congregation wearing black armbands knelt in the street opposite the burnt out church and Mr Pervez said a mass "for peace and love".

Sanga Hill, 50 miles west of Lahore, is a town in the heartland of Punjab's ethnic jigsaw where violence between Shia and Sunni, and Christian and Muslim has grown more frequent.

A 10th of the town's 10,000 population is Christian. Dr S F Martin recalled only one other incident of violence against Christians before partition in 1947. This weekend his possessions were thrown out of his house and it was burnt down.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's Muslim Mayhem Month!

In Memory of the lives of 15 Makkah Schoolgirls, lost when their school burnt down on Monday, 11th March, 2002. The Religious Police would not allow them to leave the building, nor allow the Firemen to enter.
(The Religious Policeman.) -- Yes, folks, it's Muslim Mayhem Month again, the time of year when our brothers all around the world compete to see who can win the "Ummah Cup" by inflicting the most destruction and misery, and proving that ours is indeed the Religion of Trouble!

Let me remind you of the rules once again. All types of violence and nastiness by Muslims are elegible, the more ingenious the better, and while it helps if it is done in the name of Islam (for example, shouting "Allah Akhbar" at the same time as burning someone), that isn't necessary, just so long as it's done by a recognisably Muslim group, and so brings publicity and credit to Muslims the world over.

As you may guess, for the third year running, our brothers in Iraq have been leading the field in sheer numbers; they scored 6 dead policemen and 12 injured civilians on Friday alone. However, as you know, they are subject to a referee's enquiry for having excessive foreign players in the squad. It is alleged that they have been bringing in too many players from Saudi Arabia, above the quota, but the investigation is taking a long time because, apart from Ahmad here, the evidence is just scattered far and wide.

But it's the previous outsiders of the competition who are getting all the attention! Yes, our brothers in France have been at it for 10 straight nights on the run! They've been putting in a lot of effort in training camp, and they are now showing their stamina! It's not just our brothers in Paris, either. The action is spreading to other cities like Toulouse and Nantes, more than 900 cars have been torched, so they're not far off that magic 1000! Way to go, guys! I particularly enjoyed this:

A recycling facility was attacked, with 800 sq m of paper going up in flames.

That'll show the Kuffar what we think of their so-called "environmentalism"! That'll probably upset them more than burning all those cars and the woman in the wheelchair!

However, has anyone spotted a new "dark horse" in the competition? Remember the Somali team, lead by General Mohammed Farah Aidid? The guys in the film "Black Hawk Down"? Well, sadly, the general is dead, but his inspiration lives on. These guys are now into piracy. Piracy used to be an unbeliever thing, in the days of Protestant England and Catholic Spain. But now, off the north east coast of Africa, and in the seas between Malaysia and Indonesia, piracy has definitely become a Muslim Thing. And these guys are moving up from boring old merchant ships and tankers. Now they are hitting Cruise Liners.
Read it all.

The Real Global Virus

The plague of Islamism keeps on spreading.
by Victor Davis Hanson

(National Review Online) -- It’s past time that we quit worrying whether a killer who blows himself up on the West Bank, or a terrorist who shouts the accustomed jihadist gibberish as he crashes a jumbo jet into the World Trade Center, or a driver who rams his explosives-laden car into an Iraqi polling station, or a Chechnyan rebel who blows the heads off schoolchildren, is in daily e-mail contact with Osama bin Laden. Our present lax attitude toward jihadism is akin to deeming local outbreaks of avian flu as regional maladies without much connection to a new strain of a deadly — and global — virus.

Instead, the world — if it is to save its present liberal system of free trade, safe travel, easy and unfettered communications, and growing commitment to constitutional government — must begin seeing radical Islamism as a universal pathology rather than reactions to regional grievances, if it is ever to destroy it materially and refute it ideologically.

Yet the antidote for radical Islam, aside from the promotion of democratization and open economies, is simple. It must be militarily defeated when it emerges to wage organized violence, as in the cases of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Zarqawi’s terrorists in Iraq, and the various killer cliques in Palestine.

Second, any who tolerate radical Islam should be ostracized. Muslims living in the West must be condemned when they assert that the Jews caused 9/11, or that suicide bombing is a legitimate response to Israel, or that Islamic immigrants’ own unique culture gives them a pass from accustomed assimilation, or that racial and religious affinity should allow tolerance for the hatred that spews forth from madrassas and mosques — before the patience of Western liberalism is exhausted and “the rules of the game” in Tony Blair’s words “change” quite radically and we begin to see mass invitations to leave.

Third, nations that intrigue with jihadists must be identified as the enemies of civilization. We often forget that there are now left only four major nation-states in the world that either by intent or indifference allow radical Islamists to find sanctuary.

Read it all.

France Facing 'Horrendous' Balance Sheet

If the French government doesn't step, I hope the people will.
Paris (The New York Sun) -- A curfew was set up yesterday at Le Raincy, a neighborhood in the eastern suburbs of Paris. The order was issued by the local conservative mayor, Eric Raoult. The prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, made clear on television that similar measures might soon be enforced on a broader scale. "Restoring public safety is our top priority," he said. After 11 days and nights of rioting, the country was coming close to a civil war.

A map published in the afternoon by Le Monde showed that ethnic violence - the "French Intifada," as it is being referred to by some journalists and political leaders - had spread almost all over the country, with the exception of Inner Brittany, western Normandy, and Burgundy, where North African and black communities are small, and Corsica, where a large North African community is held in check by a local nationalist movement that itself is prone to violence. Most major cities, including Lyons, Marseille, Lille, Toulouse, and Bordeaux, have been hit.

Rioting and guerrilla-style street fighting were still rampant in the northern Parisian county of Seine-Saint-Denis - colloquially known as 9-3, after its postal code - where the whole thing started on October 27. The five other Parisian counties were hurt as well. The inner city itself, the ultra-chic City of Paris, was subjected to several ethnic raids over the weekend.

In terms of destruction and casualties, the balance sheet is horrendous. Between Sunday and Monday night, no fewer than 1,408 cars, including buses and trucks, were torched throughout the country. Schools, colleges, sports facilities, factories, shopping arcades, and even two churches - one in Lens, in the north, and one in Sete, on the Mediterranean - were burned. A local resident who attempted to stop a fire was beaten to death in Stains. Elsewhere, a disabled woman narrowly escaped being burned alive in a torched bus. Dozens of firefighters were wounded.

Read it all.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Violation of Muslim Civil Rights in France

So France and Israel are to blame for the nearly two week long riots? Silly me, I thought the people who were actually doing the rioting were to blame.
CITY (Mehr News Agency) -- TEHRAN, Nov. 6 (MNA) — Iran’s Association of Muslim Journalists (AMJ) issued a statement on Sunday condemning the violation of Muslims’ civil rights in France and calling on the French government to cooperate with them in establishing a fact-finding commission in order to investigate the conditions of French Muslims. The AMJ said that the mistreatment of Black French Muslims over the past two weeks has deeply influenced Iranian public opinion.

“We suppose that the French government has carried out the recent discriminatory and anti-human rights acts under the influence of the Zionist lobby in France to limit the social and personal freedoms of the Muslims residing in the country, which is quite unacceptable on the part of a country that claims to be democratic,” part of the statement read.

“The rough treatment of Black people whose countries were colonized by France for decades shows that colonialism is still dominant in the policies and the thoughts of the officials of France, who claim to uphold freedom and patience.

“The Association of Muslim Journalists wishes to express its protest about the organized suppression of poor Muslims residing in the suburbs of Paris, who have been living as second-class citizens and deprived of social and political rights for many years.

“Therefore, the Association of Muslim Journalists, as a non-governmental organization, seeks to establish a fact-finding commission to study the situation of Black Muslims in France and hopes that the French government will cooperate by granting them visas.”